This page is like the "Staff picks" shelf at your local bookstore, but the recommendations come from all our members. Just a spot for us to share our favorite books, articles, videos, apps and podcasts. We hope it spurs thoughtful discussion and community!

Boundaries is a game-changer! Maybe required reading for a healthy, balanced life!

Grace Tristan recommends this powerful memoir that explores the conditions of poverty and their impact on everyday life.

Dwell is an app that reads the Bible to you, book by book, theme by theme, or in excerpts. You can choose male/female voices & background music.

Pray As You Go offers a structured daily prayer to listen to, including Bible verses, guided reflection, & background music. (It's where we first heard "Dwell Among Us", our favorite song of Spring 2020!)
Their new feature, Pray As You Stay, is focused on support and helpful reflection for this season of isolation. NB: their website often works better than the app.

One of Josie's favorites, the author John Green offering reviews of the human experience on a five star scale. Simultaneously hilarious and touching.

Josie also found this wonderful conversation about weekly passages from the lectionary by Brian Murphy & Fr Shannon Kearns on how queerness can enrich our faith.
Pastor Rachel Hoffman turned us on to Unlocking Us, especially the interview with Ibram X. Kendi & the two episodes with Harriet Lerner on apologies!
The companion podcast to Fr. Richard Rohr's book that builds on his writings and Enneagram work.